Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Brand Personality

Maria's guest lecture was very informative.  It was cold, refreshing splash of advertising theory that has laid dormant in my head for 2 semesters.  One of the things she told us, "develop a brand personality."  It should be distinct and recognizable from across the room.

It struck me that my Arby's campaign has ZERO brand personality.  Was Arby's really to be the spokesperson for the imaginary plight of "first world hunger" when they currently partner with an organization called "No Kid Hungry"?  I spent the whole time crafting punchlines that poked fun at our overpriveleged stomachs when all that does in the end is advertise for the category leader, McDonalds. 

When it comes down to it, Arby's is below the threshold of awareness because they've always lacked personality.  I've got 3 weeks left and am just now understanding such a critical factor.  It's back to the Creative Brief, the adjectives, brainstorming mode...

In the meanwhile, I've always admired Blue Bell's off-beat personality for their boxed ice cream: slightly creepy, yet nostalgic target consumer-y faces
You never miss them in the ice cream aisle.


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