Friday, April 20, 2012

skittles riddles

Problem statement: too many factory defects.  Flavors with the wrong color shell.
Solution: mystery flavors!!

It hadn't struck me until recently why they do this in the candy industry.  It's a pretty brilliant solution to the problem of wasting defects.

The only problem is people like me who absolutely hate certain flavors.  Color means everything to me.  In Jolly Ranchers, pink and green are "overheated blender" and "copper", respectively.  Red and blue are
"roll that shit around the inside of my cheeks so that the juices ooze at a more savory rate".  And purple is just purple.  The colors mean everything.  If some fuck were to hand me a blue that tasted like pink, I would lick it into a shank and stab said fuck.

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